Vozíčkářská expedice povede po stopách slavné Route 66 v  USA v termínu 27.3.- 11.4.2013.

Bude to pátá expedice z pětiletého cyklu  na 5 kontinentů, kterou Radek Kriegler pořádá pro handicapované cestovatele.

Původní záměr zakončit závěrečnou expedici z 5-ti letého cestovatelského cyklu na všechny kontinenty v Austrálii se nám nepodaří naplnit z důvodu nedostatečných prostředků na realizaci tak náročné expedice. O to více jsme byli rádi za pozvání Olivera Shokouh k němu do Los Angeles, abychom závěrečnou expedici zakončili  na slavné Route 66 na motocyklu zapůjčeném v jeho dealerství Harley Davidson.


Účastník expedice se ozval na oznámení o akci na serveru Vozejkov.cz .Vozíčkář Lukáš Gruner pojede jako spolujezdec v sedle motocyklu Harley Davidson řízeného Radkem. Doprovodný vůz bude řídit Michaela, Lukášova nastávající, svatbu si naplánovali v Las Vegas v průběhu této cesty.

Zde je pár řádků o Lukášových životních zkušenostech:

Jmenuji se Lukáš Grüner je mi 28 let a pocházím z Ostravy. V roce 1996 jsem měl úraz na horách, po kterém jsem ochrnul na spodní část těla. Před úrazem jsem se věnoval sportu - závodně jsem hrál tenis a rekreačně fotbal. Po úrazu jsem se snažil zpět zapojit nejen do běžného života, ale i do sportovních aktivit. Vyzkoušel jsem stolní tenis, sledge hokej, basketbal. Nakonec jsem vyzkoušel florbal na vozíku a tak mě ten sport učaroval, že ho hraji už 7 let za ostravský klub FBC ABAK Ostrava. Hrají na postu brankáře. Za tu dobu jsme získali dvě bronzové a dvě zlaté medaile. Díky těmto úspěchům jsem se dostal i do florbalové reprezentace České republiky. S ní jsem získal jedno stříbro a jeden bronz na mezinárodních turajích. Sport je můj největší koníček a vášeň. Kromě zmíněného florbalu mám rád hokej, automoto sport, adrenalinové sporty, jízdu na čtyřkolce, řízení automobilu. Dále se rád podívám na dobrý film, rád cestuji a poznávám nové kouty světa, ale i naší malou zem. Dálkově studuji obor speciální pedagogika. Rád si dokazuji, že být na vozíku není překážkou v životě, ale jen malý zádrhel, který se dá překonat. Velmi mě láká dobrodružství jako cesta po slavné Route 66. Byl by to jeden z mých splněných snů.


Přejete - li si podpořit Lukášův sen, je možno ho kontaktovat přímo na adrese: Lukáš Grüner Mládeže 12/507 Ostrava 3, 70030
e-mail: Lejkrs@seznam.cz
Tel č: 737 501 861



Expedition Route 66 - the final expedition of a 5-year motorcycle travellers cycle for wheelchair users
on 4 continents
Part 1 Le Big Mac and cheese Royal
Like the protagonists of the famous Tarantino movie we were we (Luke, Misa, Radek) intoxicated on
arrival at Los Angeles otherness of the world in which we found ourselves after a 12-hour flight from
In LA, we rented a car and drove behind Oliver Shokouh, owner of Glendale Harley Davidson to
his dealership. Oliver then took us out to dinner and had to spend the night in their guest house.
The next morning we went back to his dealership and inspect its premises with all the trimmings
including a small museum of motorcycles. We had no idea that when we Shokouh Oliver (founder
of the Love Ride) shows the first produced Electra Glide and the slyly smiles while that for us now
acquaint themselves with Jakub Cech, who works with him, and which soon brings us to a machine
that will carry us for discovery of America. It is a new Electra Glide Classic Harley Davidson, mileage
560 miles, and Luke for the first time tries to sit on the bike. Ugh, everything went well, just what the
left leg spasms occasionally will have to tie. After the necessary paperwork to us and Larry Oliver,
Chief Hogue Los Angeles Glendale, wish a safe journey and we set off to cut into the first kilometers
actually míle.Jsme Oliver grateful that we borrowed the bike for free and also very warm welcome in
Los Angeles.
After getting out of L.A. we turn to the famous Route 1, which follows the coastline and its stunning
scenery. Bike has enough power, and pretty goes for gas, driving is absolutely easy, one could follow
two fingers, or ride without hands on the handlebars and manage just tilt the body. On the first day
we give quite a few miles and arrive at night to Oceano Dunes, where we persuaded the local - and it
really is the car to the beach, after which sweeps many quads and buggies. The night haunts are
trying to find a sleeping spot, the water is dangerously close, the tide. After setting up the tents we
go out to dinner and giving a main course, which can be divided into three portions-the food is
served in a large, even a small coffee a pint. At night we seawater fortunately nespláchla so the only
difficulty was to transfer Luke to the tent, truck because they just throw down and could not go. The
next morning we leave the Pacific coast and set off inland towards redwood National Park. We ride
much more enjoyable, Misa in the accompanying vehicle also praises the automatic transmission,
which allows it to take pictures of the beauty of California. We are surprised by the size of the
country, but also the size of drinks, meals, everything including cars in America is great .... At the
entrance to the National Park Sequoia National Park pay $ 80 for admission to all parks and long
switchbacks are leaving in less than two thousand meters, where the right of the road rises 3,000
years old, 80 m high trees - Sequoia. For Luke's great, that all places are adapted for wheelchair
users. Below national park going around orange plantations, and for two hours we have in the
mountains where there is snow. The temperature dropped by ten degrees and so when we split up
and I'm going down for gasoline, complications occur first expedition. Nowhere is the signal and we
can not find in the evening and so I sleep in the valley and Luke with a bowl in the mountains. In the
morning, we find happily park on the road and head to the foothills of Sherman redwood park pass.
It is unfortunately closed, so we go down from the mountains to Kernville, where accommodated by
the lake at the motel. The landscape is still beautiful, we go all day sweeps. Electra is working like
clockwork, does not hesitate even at steep descents or exits. I still have to admire her easy
management, after a day of driving I'm not tired, and it is repeated day after day. In time you get
used to a different position sitting posture, and learn to use more efficient foot rear brake.
The third day we came to the famous Death Valley in California, already take pictures at the
entrance to the salt factory near Ridgecrest. Temperature is below 36 degrees Celsius in summer
and 60 degrees. In Stovepipe Wells we stop to gain gasoline, but we just sign out of Gasoline -
gasoline reached. So at least we buy souvenirs and buying sticker Luke: I survived driving through
Death Valley. So far it's only optimistic desire awaits us night accommodation in a camp at Furnace
Creek and night in Death Valley. Again, we realize how everything is adapted for wheelchair users
everywhere are tables and indoor fireplace. Even the toilet and shower in the middle of the desert.
Evening fire and we are trying Coleman stove. Everything works and eating dinner, talking to a family
of view, which arrived accommodate the huge tent that takes the wind. Also cocky huge compressor
mattress, then the mattress takes as wind breaks and tent, but it was interesting .. the pile of dirty
words in a tent on the leeward side of the moving trees and it seems that even the little family
stayed cool. A little afraid of the cold night temperatures, but fortunately it is quite warm even the
wind stopped fučet. You get up early in the morning and a pleasant temperature we are going see
Badwater Basin. 85 meters below sea level, the lowest point in the United States, and here are the
salt surface accessibility for wheelchair users. After passing through the valley of death to get to
Shoshone, which operates a gas station and we give a morning coffee, a pint again labeled small
coffee. Then have a relaxed trip to Las Vegas, accommodated in the Diamond Inn on Las Vegas
Boulevard and go explore the beauty of the famous city. Luke is with Misha arrange the necessary
documents as well as many others including Karl and Ivanka Gott to a known building at night surfing
the famous casinos and on 2.4 2012 in the morning are officially married in the chapel in Las Vegas.
Congratulations and we wish you happy miles on their honeymoon. Traveler waits Zion Park, Bryce
Park, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree and the famous route 66th
Thank you sponsors: Oliver Shokouh Harley Davidson Glendale, Genesis Bonver Dakar Project,
Outdoors riders Radek and Barbara Kriegler, School Zdenka Matejcek, Renáta Staňková, and related
media for publishing this article.
Gallery see below under the section Articles Newsletters.
He wrote: Radek Kriegler
More here: https://www.outdoorsriders.cz/news/expedice-usa-le-big-mac-and-royal-cheese/
Driving national parks west to U.S. Route 66
From Las Vegas we set out on a tour of Hoover Dam, the world famous Dam on the Colorado River
has less water, but the tour is really worth it. There is a written piece of American history, including
the names of all the people who participated in the construction of this truly magnificent work
involved. Luke and Misha are always festive mood, morning were married in a chapel on the Strip in
Las Vegas, so pick a nice motel in Overton, where they spend the wedding night. Before that await us
in the pub steaks aptly named Sugars (Cukroušci).
Next day we have road no.15 brings to the Harley Davidson dealership at Zion Park, where you scan
the wonderful machines, and Radek resist and buy a shirt annual Harley Davidson - is already 110
years, what gentlemen Harley Davidson and put back together first motorcycle and founded the
iconic motorcycle brand.
But we already have another of the amazing national parks - it's Zion National Park. Zion National
Park includes some of the most beautiful canyons in the United States. It is characterized by high
plateaus, a maze of narrow, deep, sandstone canyons and striking rock towers and high plateaus.
There are spectacular gorge called Zion Narrows. Enjoy views and we set out on the road towards
Bryce Canyon. After a night in a cozy cabin (it was needed, it was below zero) we set off on another
admiring wonderful canyons towering formations further U.S. national park. Utah is the country's
national parks and they are all here on this proud.
There will shift about 400 km, Luke on the bike handles great, Misa in the accompanying vehicle too.
After entering the territory of the Navajo slowing down at one homestead, sweeps us dogs and ask
for accommodation in a dilapidated shed. Progress usual conversation where we are and what we
do here, and then we go to accommodate tents for shelter. Going out of the sandy semi-desert in
the morning takes a while, but eventually after a slight akvilibristice manage and drive to Monument
Valley. It impresses us with its size and splendor. Passing the entire circuit takes two hours and
we pass it by car, motorbike ride it much impossible. But otherwise Haryk works great, especially
comfortable rear seating suits both Luke and to also test drive mission. There is no problem to
manage daily 300 to 400 km and the number of miles are rapidly increasing. Our next stop is the
Grand Canyon, which has its altitude climates of Canada. You are accommodated in Mother Camp
and we can view the beautiful views of the largest canyon in the country when engaging evening sun.
Next morning you try Radek hodky descend into the canyon and back, we have a beautiful evening
campfire and roast true American steaks prepared Lukas. Altitude'm taking us even when crossing
3,000 m high saddle on the way to Flagstaff. Another evening had already accommodated in one of
the butterflies on the famous Route 66, and allow a city tour of the famous Route 66 Everywhere we
amaze buildings and inscriptions from the time of the great explorers and pioneer residents moved
to California. I waiting for us after the famous 800 km journey - its most beautiful part, and let her
enjoy every sip. Next time - the final report from the Rt 66th
Wriiten by: Kriegler Radek,
Participants: Michael Mališová Grunerova, Lukas Gruner (vozmen) ¨ ¨
Final report of the famous Route 66
The famous Route 66 we traverse in Flagstaff and we went after five days of final expedition. We
visited the most beautiful and part of Arizona and California. Flagstaff admire RT 66 shops and little
hotels from the time of its greatest glory of this iconic road. It must be said that the current form
of the road is in some states neglected elsewhere renovated for tourist purposes. Definitely not a
continuous road, but sometimes you have to roll on I4O and drive along the new road. Also you will
enjoy wandering and finding the right route nemnohdy we ended up in the fields or at the end tag
paths. Mostly in the cities you will find the historic circuits, we visited Flaggstaff, Kingman, Selingman,
Oatman and drove along Route 66 to the historic Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles, where we
stopped traveling.
Closing ceremony of the expedition, however, was up to Oliver Shokouh Harley Davidson in Glendale,
where he came to greet us with Oliver Shokouh, Lorenzo Lamas, Robert Patrick and another team
LoveRide.org who, as a civic association Outdoors Riders sponsored Lukas for the American dream.
Thanks to all who contributed to the successful expedition and dignified ending a five-year cycle
moto traveler wheelchair Radka and Barbara Krieglerových of the civic association Outdoors Riders
(Started 12.4.2008, end April 12, 2013)
In Los Angeles, Glendale Harley Davidson on April 10, 2013
Written by: Kriegler Radek,
Participants: Michael Mališová Grunerova, Lukas Gruner

Fotogalerie: Úvodní stránka

Route 66 expedition

In autumn 2007 the project of moto traveller Radek Kriegler had started – his goal was in 5 years to
give ride to physically handicapped fellows in the saddle of motorcycle to all continents.
Conception of 5 year travellers cycle for handicapped motorcycle passengers was supported by bmw
riders in the begining and their first fundraising event at the Motocykl exhibition in Prague back in
2008 to give wheelchair rider some cash for his journey to Morocco.

Harley Davidson riders also supported Radek´s dream to establish charity ride based on Love Ride
concept – charity ride performed nearly 30 years by Oliver Shokouh in Los Angeles USA and his
friends at Harley Davidson Glendale. Movement which was iniciated by Radek´s translation of article
about Love Ride and his passion for establishing similar event in Czech Republic led to the conception
of MDA Ride CR and together with Oliver he organized Autism Ride in 2012.

The travellers cycle was organized by Radek Kriegler for 6 handicapped passengers in years 2008 –
2013. 3 fearless men and 3 fearless women participated in expeditions in the saddle of the
motorcycle on roads and offroads of the whole world. Radek had driven his passengers to 16 countries in
4 continents, all together over 25 000 km in harsh conditions. Expeditions lasted 18 – 30 days.

Extraordinary performances of extraordinary men and women were admired by visitors at
exhibitions, motorcycle trade shows or readers of magazines and newspapers.
Radek managed to give ride to handicapped people in the saddle of motorcycle to Sahara in
Morroco, famous Khardung La in Himalayas, south american Machu Picchu or lake Titicaca or to
eastern european Carpatian Mountains and Marmolada.

5 year travellers cycle will be symboliccaly finished at mother of all roads – Route 66. Radek´s friend
Oliver Shokouh had become a main sponsor of this ride – he will provide free of charge motorcycle
Harley Davidson. Expedition is financially supported by  Mr. Vratny from Bonver,
motorcycle gear had been provided all years by Vita Rysavy from Geneze

. Expedition is supported by City of Prague. Expedition Route 66 will be
organized from March 27th, 2013 to April 11th,2013 the itinerary is scheduled for 4500 km on Route
66 from L.A. and back in the half of the journey.

Expedition participant Mr. Lukas Gruner will travel as passenger on the Harley Davidson motorcycle
driven by Radek Kriegler, support vehicle will be driven by Lukas´s fiance Michaela. Inspired by many
american couples Lukas and Michaela will get married at famous Las Vegas during this expedition…

Route 66 was and is famous motorcycle road. We are glad that the whole wheelchair traveller cycle
of expeditions will be finished at so iconic place and on so iconic motorcycle as Harley Davidson is !


Route 66 expedition

Na podzim roku 2007 se začal psát příběh motorkářské odyssey nebývalého rázu – 5-ti letý projekt
pro vozíčkáře motorkáře Radka Krieglera, který si vytýčil za cíl dovézt vozíčkáře v sedle motocyklu na
všechny kontinenty.

U zrodu cestovatelského cyklu stáli cestovatelé bavoráčníci, kteří na výstavě Motocykl v roce 2008
zorganizovali první sbírku pro vozíčkáře, aby se mohl dostat na cesty do Maroka. Přidali se také
Harlejáři a ti také pomohli zrealizovat při odjezdu vozíčkáře do Maroka nultý ročník jízdy ve prospěch
potřebných postavené na principu Love Ride – benefice konané již téměř 30 let v USA v Los Angeles
panem Oliverem Shokouh, majitelem dealerství Harley Davidson Glendale. Aktivita, která vznikla na
základě Radkova překladu článku o Love Ride a jeho touhy po založení benefice, vyústila v založení
MDA RIDE a v roce 2012 Radek realizoval také Autism Ride společně s Oliverem Shokouh.

Cestovatelský cyklus Radek realizoval v letech 2008 – 2013 pro 6 vozíčkářů. 3 neohrožení muži a 3
neohrožené ženy se účastnili cest v sedle motocyklu po cestách i necestách celého světa. Radek
s nimi projel celkem přes dvacet pět tisíc kilometrů v 16 zemích světa na čtyřech kontinentech,
expedice trvaly průměrně 18 až 30 dní. Neobyčejné výkony neobyčejných mužů a žen obdivovali
návštěvníci výstav, motocyklových show, čtenáři odborných časopisů i novin.

Radkovi se podařilo vozíčkáře v sedle motocyklu dovézt na marockou Saharu, ale i na nejvyšší
průsmyk světa Khardung La ve výši 5600 m.n.m v Himálaji, do jihoamerických And k jezeru Titicaca
nebo na Machu Pichu nebo např. do východoevropských Karpat či na Marmoladu.

5-ti letý cestovatelský cyklus bude symbolicky zakončen na matce všech cest – Route 66. Radkův
přítel Oliver Shokouh se zároveň stal sponzorem této jízdy – zapůjčí bezplatně motocykl Harley
Davidson. Finančně přispěje také pan Vrátný z Bonveru, výbavu zajistí Geneze Víti
Ryšavého ,výpravu podpořilo hlavní město Praha .
Expedice se pojede od 27.3.2013 do 11.4.2013, celková délka 4500 km na trase Route 66 z L.A. a zpět
v půli cesty.

Účastník vozíčkář Lukáš Gruner se expedice zúčastní jako spolujezdec za řidičem motocyklu Radkem
Krieglerem, doprovodný vůz bude řídit Lukášova snoubenka Michaela. Blízkost Las Vegas zlákala
Lukáše a Michaelu k rozhodnutí nechat se oddat v tomto slavném městě…

Route 66 byla a je slavnou motorkářskou cestou. Jsme rádi, že vozíčkářský cyklus expedic můžeme
zakončit na tak ikonickém místě a na tak ikonickém motocyklu jakým Harley Davidson bezesporu je!

